Thursday, July 18, 2013

Jamboree Day 4

Looking through our "buddy box" with left over snacks

cooking breakfast

This is the day of our hike to the summit of the summit and we need to get ready to leave as early as possible

This is our OA guide for the day, Ren

Bernard putting away his things at our rack of hanging messkits

Army medics, only the best for Jambo

Fog over the lake early in the morning

the massive suspension bridge

the bridge connects the trailhead, the ziplines, and camps A and B to the rest of the camp, it is about a mile away from our camp


The green tents of camp A with the fog in the hills

Beginning our walk to the summit of the summit

illustrating how far away our camp is. Camp D is around the 4 marking "The Ridge"

Garden ground Mountain: the summit of the summit

A Scotsman teaches us the history about the traditional "hammer throw" competition
Conner and a Scotsman
 A group posing with the apparatuses used for throwing weight for distance. All of the ones we used were 12 lbs. except for Mr. Bertain's which is 16. the lightest weights used in this competition professionally are at least 45 lbs.
Conner swinging the hammer. this hammer is 10 lbs.
You first whirl it about your head twice and then release it over your shoulder
The Scotsmen told us "this competition is all about looking good for the lassies."
Coleton watches his throw
 Boys of d224 prepare for a tug-of-war. Prior to this match, five boys had been part of a team that overcame the reigning victors whose tam included four people who looked to be over 250 lbs
Unfortunately, we lost this match in a stunner. You can see David fighting to the bitter, muddy end on the left
displaying the mud
 Throughout the day, there were several lightning warnings, prompting the majority of the troop to retreat down the mountain early
These are the boys who stayed the whole day

Calvin displaying his glasses tan

boys posing at the top of the mountain



Coleton and David singing karaoke


They sang "Grenade" by Bruno Mars

patch trading at the top of the mountain

Dinner in the evening

meatball sandwhiches and tortellini

Scott preparing to serve "dinner"


sunset from our camp

patch trading in the afternoon

boys on their way to do white water rafting

patch trading near our camp

the water obstacle course

two national officers pose with "flat tiki"

"flat tiki" at the summit

part of the 12 point flagpole area

characters in the buckskin camp at Garden Mountain

statue of Mr. Becktel, now erected adjacent to the Arena

The bridge

back at camp, boys frantically pack up anything that might be damaged during a lighting storm

We constantly receive emergency warning telling us that lightning storms are near, but it is uncommon for them to actually rain on us. If they do, once it starts drizzling, we have about 45 seconds before a monsoon starts


view from the tents as everyone has taken cover

Shaun sprints through the rain

Key four refuses to take cover...

... and instead plays Frisbee

sunset  from our camp

and on the other side of camp

posing on the bridge

Ren teaching us about the history of the Summit area

Posing at the top of the mountain

Sign showing all of the activities at the top of the summit

sowing activities at the buckskin village

key four + Shaun and Kevin

in line to fire blackpowder

firing black powder rifles

a blacksmith

at the Boy's Life exhibit

Pedro, the world famous former Philmont burro!

the tower marking the head quarters of cam D, (our camp). The tower is also a cell tower

sunset of camp D

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